Sunday, April 27, 2008

Again, Newport Menthol

He asked if I was drifting away from him, he felt like I had been distant lately. I assured him he was mistaken, our relationship had not changed. I was there for him, just like I had always been.

Relationships at the hospice are all different, some residents grab you from the start, sometime with a specific reason, and sometime just because. I’m not sure why we connected so quickly and deeply, but from the beginning he held a vast space in my heart that simultaneously worries and consoles me.

Worry, because I know the outcome of this relationship. Console, because in spite of it all, I’m glad that it’s him. His likes, dislikes, moods, manipulations, laughter, and sorrow. I know him, I see him.

I’m not drifting, I’m not running, I’m standing still……What he can’t see yet, is that it’s him leaving me. He’s drifting, and it’s his distance he feels, not mine.

It’s okay, I’ll take the blame. He’s not quite sure what lies ahead and I’m silently, hopefully, optimistic. He has come so far from where he started.

Maybe, possibly, he will be my little miracle

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