Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Don't Know

AND this is how the light gets in.

Love, laughter, hope, forgiveness, self-forgiveness, love for the person you’d rather cross the street than walk by.

Stillness, stillness, stillness, silence from the knowledge that your actions have made words unnecessary.

Faith of purpose.

Unseen acts of kindness that pause time for you and them.

And tears, and tears, and tears.

AND this is how the light goes out.

Hatred, self-hatred, self righteousness, hopeless frozen in helplessness. Anger with no place to put it.

Lost with a map showing you the way, alone in your heart, split open and unseen

Self disgust

Gagging on words you’d rather swallow than say, until they lay siege. Spread their seeds, take root in the emptiness of your hungry belly, because you forgot how to nourish, how to breathe, how to live without fear.

Fear – that’s how the light goes out. Always, every time, everything, comes back to Fear.

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