Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"These Times are a Changing"

I love my blog, I love writing about people that would otherwise be unknown, forgotten in the percentages and demographics of this disease.

I love volunteering at the hospice. It has changed my life in more ways than could ever be explained. It’s the subtle things that I notice the most, the quiet shifting and reconstruction of the girl I thought I knew.

What would I do if I couldn’t write it anymore? What would I do if I couldn’t volunteer anymore? Will I still be me, just stronger? OR broken and disillusioned at all that I thought was true?

Never forget, never forget. Please don’t forget them, even if I can no longer remind you.



Oshun Kunle said...

I don't think they could shut down your blog if you omitted specific names

your blog should be a place for your experiences that you wish to share with the rest of us... its your right to do so.

it saddens me.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is an amazing way of letting people know of the kindness there is in volunteers and places such as the hospice. The sadness and strength of the volunteers, as well as the people who LIVE there, should be shared with the world. I hope you don't have to stop sharing your encounters.